Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Apres Internship

What’s a day like after medical internship?

After the grueling 24 to 34-hour workdays, I’ve been having difficulty finding things to do. But then I realize that what I have right now isn’t bad at all.

..Wake up at 9am.
..Roll around in bed for another 15 minutes.
..Have breakfast at 915am.
Wheat bread with butter and liver spread.
Home made pizza with wheat bread, 3 cheese pizza sauce, fresh basil, cheddar cheese.
..Extend breakfast for 2 hours in the garden, while drinking Sri Lankan orange pekoe tea that I flavored with lemon, orange, cinnamon and nutmeg. While drinking tea, I read options where my friends and I will go on vacation. The options have to have a beach, can go snorkeling, and can go diving. Currently reading on Siquijor Island, Negros Oriental and Apo Island. The background music comes from my Beach House collection.
..Have a nice, long and leisurely cool shower.
..Make lunch.
Penne in Tomato-Parmesan, Spanish sardine, fresh basil, and chili-garlic sauce.
..Extend lunch for another 2 hours in the garden while drinking lemonade. And continue reading on the options on where to go on vacation. Background music comes from my Chill Out collection.
..Put the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door, and have a nice long siesta.
..Wake up just in time for dinner.
..Have dinner with the family.
..After dinner, have a nice warm cup of Spanish chocolate, with chocolate and mint cookies. And read some more on where to go on vacation. Background music: After Eight Chill Out.

Hmmm.. I wonder what will greet me first thing in the morning tomorrow.
Perhaps a nice warm cup of strong coffee, freshly brewed using local Robusta coffee beans.

Ahhhhh! This is the life!

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